In the books, he is not a great cook and the crew rarely complains. The character description in the Ladybird books is actually the opposite of his personality in the German audio dramas, described above. Flashfork also hates it when people steal food from his kitchen. Flashfork has threatened to leave the crew several times because of the constant insults to his excellent food. Flashfork loves cooking gourmet meals, but unfortunately the crew does not value his cooking very much. Ship's cook Flashfork is the talented yet frustrated cook of the Black Seas Barracuda. United States: Captain Redbeard Canada: Captain Red Beard / Capitaine Barbe-Rousse United Kingdom / Poland: Captain Roger Germany: Käpt’n Roger Denmark: Kaptajn Roger / Rødskæg Sweden: Kapten Roger Netherlands: Kapitein Knoest (Knot) / Kapitein Roodbaard France: Capitaine Fortune / Capitaine Barbe-Rouge Slovenia: Kapitan Rdečebradec Redbeard is the captain of the Black Seas Barracuda, the Skull’s Eye Schooner, the Redbeard Runner, the Crossbone Clipper and more recently, the Brick Bounty and the 2020 Black Seas Barracuda. He shares his birthday both with King Kahuka and Governor Broadside. He helped them in keeping slavers away from their Island a couple of times. While he originally wanted to steal the Islander’s treasures, he ended up in a relationship of great respect with them.

While he can be a bit reluctant, he will often help people if he thinks there is something to gain. He is genuinely kind to children though, and more or less functions as an adoptive father for Will. A good example is that once, he accused bo'sun Will of jeopardizing their plan because Will had jumped into the water to save someone from drowning. He is still a pirate though, and often has a comically hypocritical egoistical streak. While Redbeard is occasionally portrayed as a villain, he’s normally more of a lovable rogue kind of guy.

He is proud of his Spanish ancestors, and seeks to reclaim the gold that they have hidden across the Southern Sea. Captain Redbeard also has the ability to smell gold. This can often be seen in his “if someone falls, leave him behind” attitude.

But don’t be fooled, if there is gold on the line and Captain Redbeard is caught by his gold fever he can get quite ruthless. Unlike most of those pirates, he is actually fairly friendly.